Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is there a website where I can upload a photo of me and try on different hair styles/ cuts ?

I'm thinking of getting a pretty different hair cut soon.Is there a website where I can upload a photo of me and try on different hair styles/ cuts ?;/a>Is there a website where I can upload a photo of me and try on different hair styles/ cuts ?
yea I LOVE doing that. I've tried a few, but my favorite lately is (ladies home journal) it's really fun because you can put on celebrity hairstyles, or chose from a bunch more, and change the hair color and highlights. There's also one at which is pretty fun. Try them both, good luck :)

just create a free account, upload ur photo, and try on different hair and makeup styles and colors! have fun!
OOhh heres a really fun one!

Its called

You can make a free account and try on different hairstyles, celebrity hair. AND, you can even put makeup on your person its really fun to give you and your friends virtual makeovers :P

I would definately recommend checking out that site.

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