Thursday, January 5, 2012

What type of hair-styles do you think is generally attractive?

Guys and girls! What type of hair-style do you think is attractive, or eye-catching at 1st sight? Lol.

Long, short, shoulder length, etc.

Straight, permed, curly, etc.

All answers and comments are welcome! (: Lol.What type of hair-styles do you think is generally attractive?
i like blonde or brown long hair that's straight or wavy for girls

and for guys I like long hair that's brownWhat type of hair-styles do you think is generally attractive?
Me personally, I like longer hair on women, and the more eye catching hair is (i hate to say it, but) Scene girl hair, or the emo style of hair cut.

i find it way more eye catching then the every day hair that 95% of girls at my high school have. Not sure if this helps at all. but i answered and gave my opinion :)
there's this new hairstyle called emo, it's not really emo looking it's just a bunch of different's really cute and really popular you should try it...i have it!!! oh and i love my hair straightened too it's really cute, do that too or scrunching is cute too!!!:)
I think it isn't neccesarily hair style, it is hair quality. If someone has lucious, well taken care of, and soft hair with a natural, or a color that could be natural color, then it is attractive.
all i have 2 say is no bobs w/ strait bangs. idk bout u, but i cant STAND that style!
a line or wavy

help me?>
im a girl.

and what i think is best for girls is

-medium to long, with side bangs


-straight or sorta wavy

i like long wavy hair, it def gets guys attention. i also think straight shoulder lenght can be pretty as long as it is really health looking
On guys i like the short hair, black or dark brown. I'm also a sucker for spiked hair:P
i think for a girl it would be best if you have like a shoulder length hair style and i like it straight
anything that is attractive. it differs from person to person
i like kind of shaggy, black, long-ish hair on guys. (not too long though :P) kind of like adam lambert's hair. =]
for guys i like long (shoulder length) straight and blonde or black or dark brown (hahah really any color)
i like blonde and black on guys its very nice i like it anyway.
well for guys for me shoulder length
the bald hair style
I like curls

thats what looks best on me

curly or straight
clean and combed.
a little past your shoulders

and a side pony tail

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