Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can an african american male pull off asian hair styles?

I'm a black male and my hair is too thick to make straight without damaging my head. I really like the asian hair styles that i've seen. i've tried on a few wigs and i look... different. All i really wanna know is if you saw a black male with one of those trendy asian hair styles, would you think it was strange? I don't mind looking different but i don't want ppl to point and laugh me either. I'm also worried that if i start wearing wigs people will see me as.... feminine. What do you think?Can an african american male pull off asian hair styles?
Yes an African American male can pull this off. I seen some of them at my school who did it. I guess it takes a lot of patience and persistence to attain. Just experiment and sooner or later you will get the result that you desire.Can an african american male pull off asian hair styles?
Girls wear wigs why cant men?

An African American person wouldn't be able to have an asian hair style without a wig, not any offense at all, not even caucasin people could, they have very fine thin hair, but a lot of people probably know that so theyd know its a wig, as long as you're alright with it thats all that matters. I wouldnt laugh, but 70% of this world is very rude stuck up and arrogant, not to mention ignorant, and a lot of other things just dont let those kinda people get you down and if you want it and think it looks good go for it.
TBH, I've never seen an african american male with asian styled hair!

So if I saw that, I'd be like 'whoa, thats pretty awesome.' (:

If you think you can pull it off, GO FOR IT!
lol That's a cool question. I guess black male with Asian hairdo only happens in manga or anime...
i have a asian hairsyle,

it doesnt matter if ur talking about asian-hairstyle that u put hair wax product to style ur hair to have spike, having a hair bang that cover over one of your eye, or side burn that reach the length of your ear.

hairstyle is just another part of your appearance and you will never know unless your try..But it take time to find your perfect asian hairstyle it took me 1 year and 4 month to get my hair style rite, u should look on google for the hair style u want and read on how to style it out. If ur hair isnt thick like most asian hair are then using a straightener is a good idea even so most asian with thick hair still use hair straightener to make the hair stand down or to have a flat messy touch to the hair style. these are some of the product u would need to use if ur going to go for this style of hair


-hair straightener

-hair blow dryer

-and some tips on how to style it(check on youtube ther a junk of ';how to style asian hair'; on ther';)

and have a picture printed out when ur styling infront of a mirror it will help more as well ^-^

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