Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does anyone know good punkish hair styles?

Im 12, going on 13 and i want a punkish hairstyle that will help me stand out. I dont mind it too short, but it has to be long enough to touch me shoulders. It also needs to look good with glasses. I am a brunette, and i am getting blue streaks soon. Any sugestions?Does anyone know good punkish hair styles?

suggestion: brown + blue = probably not gonna turn out very nice, try a different colorDoes anyone know good punkish hair styles?
Don't do blue! Do teal it looks much better with brown.>>>>>
Hmm, I think I'm feeling layers.

and lots of them.

Maybe a blue top layer you could put into a fohawk with your other hair down.

Blue top layer %26amp; under layer?

Electric blue! yes!



Well, okay.

I've organized my thoughts now.

Layers. Brown/blue extensions. (going down the the chest?)

+ extensions aren't neccesary. you could dye your underlayer blue just as easily.

Top layer blue (not too heavy of one... fringe it out?), matches blue extensions.

You can take some gel and piece your top layer , mess it up, and hawk it.

haha, i hope I made sense.
a fringe over the eyes, and ya gotta have streaks in the fringe. use hair gel to but the rest of your hair in spiky chunks. hair up to just below the sholders. and electric blue!! ... well to give you a better idea of what i mean...

my avatar's hair with a side fringe going over the eyes.. and a litle longer.. and of course.... blue streaks!! claret red or bright red looks nice too...
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